Our Expertise | Our Approach

We start by getting to know you, and your goals. Then, we talk about your concerns and the things that matter the most to you. Once your advisor knows what you’re striving for, they can create a comprehensive plan for your future that will bring your goals into focus while minimizing the impact of any curveballs that life may throw you.

Hearth Img

Provides a lump sum payment to protect your family’s financial well-being and standard of living in the event of your death

Wheelchairicon Img

Provides income replacement for when you are unable to work because of illness or injury.

Ribbon Img

Provides a lump sum payment for a diagnosis of a critical illnesses such as cancer, heart attack or stroke, to protect your family’s financial well-being and standard of living until you recover.

2000Px-Health_-_The_Noun_Project Img

Provides health care coverage that is not covered by your provincial healthcare plan such as dental and prescription medications.

Visitor2 Img

Provides protection for family & friends for their travel needs including: Visitor to Canada Insurance, Super-Visas, Travel Insurance and International Student Insurance.

Wealth Img

Provides strategies for investment selection, investor profile and periodic reviews. Including Retirement Planning, risk management, accumulation strategies, and payout strategies.